Your journey has a startpoint.

Pre-pregnancy, Pregnancy, Labor & Birth.
It’s Go Time.

Providing virtual services everywhere.


We put a few meetings and calls on our calendars, share our perspectives, and take it step-by-step. While you’re deciding whether to become pregnant and once you are pregnant, your On Point birth doula starts by listening to you, identifying and helping to clarify the most important considerations that you value and prioritize—and we continue doing this throughout the time of your pregnancy and birth.

Your partner—whether that is also the baby’s parent or another person—will also be instilled with confidence and readiness through your OP birth doula’s presence and support. You’re both preparing for an unforgettable moment. Our expert guidance helps that to be an occasion you’ve got agency and joy in.

We can meet during your pregnancy on Zoom. Or in person.

We can support you safely in person, virtually, or in some combination. When it’s Go Time, we pull out all the stops and make sure you’re 100% prepared.

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We share and review with you your rights ahead of time.

When you’re in labor, you and your partner have a practiced voice to express your goals.

Your OP doula offers you evidence-based options of care and comforts and lets you hear the known benefits and drawbacks of them.

Your doula also shares strengths of proven ancient practices and helps you arrive at your own custom plan for labor that supports your unique goals and choices you decide will work best for you.

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We stay with you—all the way through delivery.

Wherever you choose to deliver —hospital, home, birthing center— we walk you, get you in and out of the tub, provide comforts like counter-pressure, give your partner breaks, and talk you through every stage so you can remain focused on your job. Your OP labor doula provides you non-medical support in early and active labor, in transition, and all the way through delivery.

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On Point provides you that bit more support you need.

Your OP labor doula stays with you after delivery to be sure your birth goals are met even in that first critical hour, so you and your baby share skin to skin time for bonding, well being, and latching to nurse if that is your plan. Then, when you’re ready, we give you alone time.

You’ve done so well! It’s time for just you and your baby.

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We meet once more when you’re home with your baby.

We support you in person or virtually to check in with you, ask about your healing progress, answer questions you didn’t know you had, earlier. We are here to offer you space and affirmation.

Before and while you’re pregnant, during labor and delivery, and on the first or second day home with your newborn, your On Point labor doula provides you unwavering physical, emotional, and educational support.

 Some of us at On Point Doula are survivors of sexual violence and professionally trained to support sexual trauma survivors in pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Let us know if this is you so we can provide you confidential attentiveness in supporting you.